Fox Hunting Bassets Beagles Fox Hounds Coursing
Prior to the Hunting Act 2004 being introduced more than 200,000 people take part in fox hunting in the UK - but it remains one of the most divisive issues among the population.
It has now been reported on many occasions that the number of people hunting in the UK is larger than ever before.
The background of the Act was that it was forced through Parliament in the manner of emergency powers though September/November 2004. It is now an Act of Parliament and effective from 19th February 2005.
Hunting for Tolerance
A campaign group dedicated to disseminating factual information about hunting with hounds and countering the misunderstanding, misinformation, prejudice and intolerance to which hunting is persistently subjected. Within this website our section of Foxhunting provides an objective look at Fox Hunting.
Hunting people do feel persecuted and the following statements support why people will continue to hunt.
"Is hunting cruel? The short answer is 'No'"...Lord Burns (Chairman of the Government Inquiry into hunting) speaking in the Lords debate on the Hunting Bill. March 2001
"I dislike legislation which is completely unenforceable in practice. It restricts those who are law-abiding, while allowing freedom to those who are prepared to disregard the law." .... Lord Cope - Lords debate 26th March 2001
'it is one of the great constitutional . . . balances of our system to respect and protect the interests of minorities against a populist majority'... Lord Whitty, 2002
It is important for every person to be able to decide what recreation they choose. We hope this website provides an informative read and balanced view point.