British Traditional Field Sports
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There are several types of Hunting, which varies from Country to Country.  We have now been acknowledge by several Associations and Orgnaisations for Hunting.  For example:  Master of Foxhounds of America and Canada; Master of Draghounds and Bloodhounds and Baily's Hunting Directory 

We would be very pleased to hear from any Association, Organistion or Magazine on any aspect of Hunting who would like to Exchange a LINK with us. 

EXCHANGE LINK  If you would like to Exchange a LINK with

please contact: 

To develop a webpage all we would need is a copy of your Banner/Header, an appropriate photograph of your actitives, your contact details and up to 500 words text. 

In return we would request to become a LINK to your website.

If you do not have a LINK Section a mention on your website or in your Newsletter or Magazine would be very much apprieciated.

If you do not have these facilities, we have an annual charge of £20.00 GBP for administration charges, payable via Paypal.


Changes in the way in which Hunting with Hounds occurs in the UK continues, following the Hunting Act 2004 (introduced by an Emergency Bill, which has only ever been used twice before when the UK was in a state of emergency!). 

Some hunts in the UK have sadly closed with Huntsmen losing their livelihood, homes and their way of life, along with the infrastructure needed to support hunting.  Other hunts have amalgamated to survive. 

In some regions of England it has been reported that hunts are thriving and many hunts have more members now, than previous to the introduction of the Bill and this has resulted in many more people hunting in the UK.  However, it remains one of the most divisive issues among the population. Don't be complacent this could happen in other countries.

Other countries across the world hunting is a way of life - a social activity - steeped in tradition. In some countries it is written in their constitution! This is evident by the numerous activites now reflected in our Clients.  

Our Background

The website was written for people to understand how Foxhunting was carried out - due to the response for Links to this website, it became obvious that the name would require changing to accommodate all. and is now part of - (we also have .com and .eu) our world-wide hosting website.

Hunting for the UK

A campaign group dedicated to disseminating factual information about hunting with hounds and countering the misunderstanding, misinformation, prejudice and intolerance to which hunting is persistently subjected. Within this website our section of Foxhunting provides an objective look at Fox Hunting.

Hunting people do feel persecuted and the following statements support why people will continue to hunt.

Is hunting cruel? The short answer is 'No'... Lord Burns (Chairman of the Government Inquiry into hunting) speaking in the Lords debate on the Hunting Bill. March 2001

I dislike legislation which is completely unenforceable in practice.  It restricts those who are law-abiding, while allowing freedom to those who are prepared to disregard the law. .... Lord Cope - Lords debate 26th March 2001

'it is one of the great constitutional . . . balances of our system to respect and protect the interests of minorities against a populist majority'... Lord Whitty, 2002

It is important for every person to be able to decide what recreation they choose. We hope this website provides an informative read and balanced view point.

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