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Articles Received

Foxy Woxy, Ben Millor (22 May 2006)

Hunt the fox no more they say
Our ancient rights consigned to dust
They say it�s harsh and cruel
But is it what they really mean

Talk to the cow and her ritual knife
Talk to the fowl and her cage for life
What sense is this I say <
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Terrier Rescue, Derek Davidson (05 March 2005)

It was about nine o clock when I thought I heard the phone ring. I crawled out of bed to answer this wretched machine only to be met by damn sunlight hitting me in the face. 'Funny how we hate bright light whilst suffering from a serious case of flu. Mines were what we in Scotland
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Not a bed of roses, Commander Douglas Steen (11 February 2005)

Picture in your mind's eye a lovely bright winter's morning at peace with the world, riding in a strange part of the country seemingly miles from nowhere.� With 80 foot cliffs dropping down to the sea on one side and rolling pasture on the other and the realisation that you have lost th
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Reynald's Viewpoint, Commander D. Steen (19 September 2004)

I am now very worried ? they are at it again ? like a terrier after a rat!

They are going to attempt to push through Parliament ?their pet? Anti-Hunting Bill.          I suppose, one can sympathise ? after all their term in office has b
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